Show Project InfoHide Project Info Alfred Hitchcock Film Festival Client: Rochester Institute of Technology Date: March 6, 2016 Services: Poster / Motion Graphics Alfred Hitchcock Film Festival Posters Screenshots Motion Graphics Sketches & Unused Versions other projects All Fine ArtGraphic DesignMotionProduct Design Pakalimu Taiwanese aborigines are facing the same situation as Native Americans in USA. Their land and rights were taken from them long time ago and they are raising their voice to fight back now. I was thinking, “how can I use design to raise awareness?” Non-profit organizations often times can only reach certain people who already care about the topic. By incorporating aboriginal elements into the product design, I hope to make people who originally only care about the liquor itself curious about the story and origin of the product. This way, it opens up opportunities to reach out to audiences who wouldn’t be aware otherwise. Client: 2017 PRINT RDA winner Website: Services: Identity / Motion / Packaging AWARD 2017 PRINT Magazine Regional Design Awards Multigon This is a project I made out of paper for a 3D Design class. I adore the simplicity of geometric sculptures. The elegant lines and clean shapes combine to form a delicate sophistication. The process of making this sculpture was a bit confusing since there were many different ways of connecting each side. Even after marking everything, there is still a great chance that things can go wrong. Details as small as taping one side to the right or left, on top or at the bottom could change the whole plan. I used two textures in this project. One of them was to cut the paper with a dull knife from inside to create a ripping effect. The other was to tape tissues to the surface and then tear them off so that only a few thin layers remain on the sculpture. KETWORD Plane, Texture & Level Line Sandwich Farm Client: Mister Donut Date: January 8, 2016 Services: CD packaging / Merchandise design Alfred Hitchcock Film Festival Client: Rochester Institute of Technology Date: March 6, 2016 Services: Poster / Motion Graphics MAZ From the original branding to the latest development including planning stages, the work-in-progress, and the final designs and renders. All rights reserved. Website: Date: 2019 Services: Product design, Design for Marketing Study Abroad Client: University of Rochester Website: Date: September 20, 2016 Services: Motion Graphics Subwich Client: Subwich Date: May 10, 2016 Services: App Design