From the orig­i­nal brand­ing to the lat­est devel­op­ment includ­ing plan­ning stages, the work-in-progress, and the final designs and ren­ders. All rights reserved. 

Date: 2019
Services: Product design, Design for Marketing
Head of Product Design / Diana Ye
Lead Designer / Emma Yunchieh Hsieh
Video Editor / Bommy Kim
Illustrator / Carolina López Corominas
other projects


Posi­tioned as a Prod­uct Design Con­sul­tant to improve Git­coin’s user expe­ri­ences through research val­i­da­tions and design opti­miza­tions for Git­coin’s pil­lar prod­ucts: Git­coin Grants—a crowd­sourc­ing plat­form and Project dPoPP—an iden­ti­ty ver­i­fi­ca­tion plat­form. Both are open-source projects. 

Client: Git­coin Grants & Project dPoPP
Date: May 6, 2022
Ser­vices: UX Research, UX Con­sul­tan­cy, MVP Design
Project Length 5 months


Ver­i­zon and Pen­ta­gram part­nered up with Syn­chrony bank to release a Ver­i­zon brand­ed cred­it card where the con­sumer can earn Ver­i­zon Dol­lars and spend it on their bills or Ver­i­zon pur­chas­es. We were respon­si­ble for build­ing the card­hold­er dash­board from scratch. 

Date: July 30, 2021
Ser­vices: Dash­board Design 
Project Length 3 months


Tai­wanese abo­rig­ines are fac­ing the same sit­u­a­tion as Native Amer­i­cans in USA. Their land and rights were tak­en from them long time ago and they are rais­ing their voice to fight back now. I was think­ing, “how can I use design to raise aware­ness?” Non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions often times can only reach cer­tain peo­ple who already care about the top­ic. By incor­po­rat­ing abo­rig­i­nal ele­ments into the prod­uct design, I hope to make peo­ple who orig­i­nal­ly only care about the liquor itself curi­ous about the sto­ry and ori­gin of the prod­uct. This way, it opens up oppor­tu­ni­ties to reach out to audi­ences who wouldn’t be aware otherwise. 

Client: 2017 PRINT RDA winner 
Ser­vices: Iden­ti­ty / Motion / Packaging
AWARD 2017 PRINT Mag­a­zine Region­al Design Awards


This is a project I made out of paper for a 3D Design class. I adore the sim­plic­ity of geo­met­ric sculp­tures. The ele­gant lines and clean shapes com­bine to form a del­i­cate sophis­ti­ca­tion. The process of mak­ing this sculp­ture was a bit con­fus­ing since there were many dif­fer­ent ways of con­nect­ing each side. Even after mark­ing every­thing, there is still a great chance that things can go wrong. Details as small as tap­ing one side to the right or left, on top or at the bot­tom could change the whole plan.

I used two tex­tures in this project. One of them was to cut the paper with a dull knife from inside to cre­ate a rip­ping effect. The oth­er was to tape tis­sues to the sur­face and then tear them off so that only a few thin lay­ers remain on the sculpture.

KETWORD Plane, Tex­ture & Level


Sandwich Farm
Client: Mis­ter Donut
Date: Jan­u­ary 8, 2016
Ser­vices: CD pack­ag­ing / Mer­chan­dise design 

Alfred Hitchcock Film Festival
Client: Rochester Insti­tute of Technology
Date: March 6, 2016
Ser­vices: Poster / Motion Graphics


From the orig­i­nal brand­ing to the lat­est devel­op­ment includ­ing plan­ning stages, the work-in-progress, and the final designs and ren­ders. All rights reserved. 

Date: 2019
Ser­vices: Prod­uct design, Design for Marketing 

Study Abroad
Client: Uni­ver­si­ty of Rochester
Date: Sep­tem­ber 20, 2016
Ser­vices: Motion Graphics